Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's Not That Easy

It's Not That Easy
Today I was walking on Bowdoin campus with my friends, when I came across a blackboard standing by the art building. In white chalk, it read "Before I Die..". People had written things underneath it, like "I want to pee on the Statue of Liberty" and "I want to meet my sister in real life". One person had written "Not be fat." Obviously, that's what I was going to write, so I was happy that someone else had thought the same thing and I wasn't alone in feeling like that.
I sat on the ground with my friends, and we took out some chalk. We drew for a little while, until a few college girls walked up and started inspecting the board. I heard one of them reading the comment about wanting not to be fat before they die. "Get over yourself!!" She exclaimed. "Love your f**king body!!"
That really affected me in a lot of ways. For one, that college girl had enough confidence that she apparently didn't worry about her weight and how her body looked. That suprised me, to think that some people don't think about stuff like that. But her comment also bothered me. Get over yourself? Heck, I'm trying! It's not like I try to spend every waking minute thinking about how I look and how much I weigh! I can't just say "Franny, stop thinking about your body" and I suddenly will stop.
It's not that easy.

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