Sunday, April 21, 2013

Middle School Girls: Selfies and Truth Is


One thing that girls my age do that really gets to me is take loads of pictures of themselves. Facebook, Instargram, and Twitter are filled with hundreds of pictures of them standing their bathroom, holding their phone up to the mirror, and sticking out their butt. It's horrible.
     The worst part about it isn't even that the girls are looking fake and posting way too many pictures, but it's that the only reason they post these things are so that they can get the type of attention that they want. Which would be people commenting things like "You're sooooooo pretty!!" and "Ily sooo much bb<3". The reason these girls do this is obviously because they are insecure and they want people to notice them and tell them that they look good. It's not exactly a bad thing that girls in middle school want to have people telling them that they are "beautiful" and "perfect", it's just annoying how much these girls have to do it, and the way they do it. I honestly wish that we didn't have to worry about the way we look, that we didn't have to make ourselves feel better by posting a new picture of ourselves every 10 minutes.

Truth Is

The funny thing about Truth Is is that the title is completely ironic.
"Truth Is" is when someone (usually on Facebook) posts a status that says something along the lines of "Like my status for truth is". What they mean by this is "Like my status and I will post something on your timeline about how I feel about you, but I won't ACTUALLY tell the truth, because other people can see this post and I don't really want a reputation."
     There are some girls who "like" statuses that say "truth is" ALL THE TIME because they want people to say nice things about them, and they want to feel good about themselves (quite a lot like posting billions of selfies). So their timelines are full with people posting things about them that usually just consist of "Omg you are so gorgeous and we never hang out but we should talk more." These things are completely pointless, because those two people will probably never converse in real life, and they probably actually hate eachother.

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